For Job Seekers

How can I register with your agency?

You can register by completing the online registration form and uploading your CV on our website. Our team will review your information and contact you for further steps.

Do I need specific qualifications to apply for healthcare roles?

Yes, most healthcare roles require specific qualifications and certifications. The exact requirements vary based on the position.

How often are new job listings posted?

We update our job listings regularly on our app, there is a waiting list for this ,please email to be added.

Can you assist with relocation for international job opportunities?

Yes, we provide assistance with relocation, including advice on visa processes, accommodation, and other logistics for international placements.

Is my personal information kept confidential?

Absolutely. We take data protection seriously and ensure that your personal information is kept confidential and used only for recruitment purposes.

What happens after I apply for a job?

After applying, if your profile matches the job criteria, our recruitment team will contact you to discuss the role in more detail and plan the next steps.

Can I apply for multiple jobs at once?

Yes, you can apply for multiple positions that match your qualifications and career aspirations.

Do you offer any support for professional development?

We provide various resources for professional development, including access to training courses and career advice.

How long does the recruitment process take?

The duration varies depending on the role and employer. We strive to make the process as efficient as possible while ensuring a good fit for both candidates and employers.

Can I work with your agency if I’m a recent graduate?

Yes, we have opportunities for recent graduates and can provide guidance to help you start your healthcare career.

How do you source candidates?

We use a combination of targeted advertising, our extensive database, networking, and industry contacts to source high-quality candidates.

What if the candidate doesn’t meet our expectations?

We have a replacement policy in place. If a candidate does not meet your expectations within an agreed period, we will find a suitable replacement.

Do you conduct background checks on candidates?

Yes, we perform comprehensive background checks, including employment history, qualifications, and necessary legal checks.

Can you handle high-volume recruitment needs?

Yes, we have the capacity and resources to manage high-volume recruitment for larger projects or staffing needs.

What industries within healthcare do you specialize in?

We specialize in a range of sectors including primary care, hospital settings, mental health services, and elderly care, among others.

How do you ensure a good fit between the candidate and our organization?

We thoroughly assess each candidate’s skills, experience, and career goals, and also consider your organization’s culture and specific requirements to ensure a good fit.

What are your fees for recruitment services?

Our fees depend on the level of service required. We can provide a detailed quote once we understand your specific needs.

Can you provide temporary or contract staff?

Yes, we offer recruitment services for temporary, contract, and permanent positions.

How quickly can you fill a position?

The time frame varies based on the role’s requirements and the availability of candidates. We aim to provide timely solutions without compromising on quality.

What makes your agency different from other healthcare recruiters?

Our dedicated approach, extensive industry knowledge, and commitment to personalised service set us apart. We prioritise building long-term relationships with both clients and candidates.

How can we start working with your agency?

Contact us via our website form. We’ll arrange an initial consultation to discuss your needs and how we can assist you.

For Employers

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